Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Singing Bowls

Singing bowls are a type of bell, a standing bell. Rather than hanging or attached to a handle, standing bells sit with the bottom surface resting. The sides and rim of a singing bowl vibrate to produce sound. They are used world wide for meditation, relaxation, health care, personal well-being and religious practice.

Singing bowls are played by the friction of rubbing a wooden, plastic, or leather wrapped mallet around the rim of the bowl to produce overtones and a continuous singing sound. They may also be played by striking with a soft mallet to produce a warm bell tone.

Enchanted Faerie has several singing bowls to pick from. Come in and play one. You will hear their beautiful sound and realize what a compliment they would make to your meditation practice or relaxation time. Your singing bowl will become a family heirloom.

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