Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fairy Books

The book shelf in the Enchanted Faerie contains several books designed to introduce you to the Faerie kingdom. They are very inspiring......

Betty Bib's Fairy Handbook, A Field Guide to Fairies and their Habitats, is very inspiring. Just looking through the fairy directory in this book, at the beautiful types of fairies, gave me a bit of garden fever. Now, on the way home, I have to stop by a garden store to smell the potting soil, touch the growing things, possibly catch a glimpse of a fairy hiding among the flowers.

Believing In Faeries, A Manual For Grown Ups, by Marcia Zina Mager, takes you on a journey through the Faerie realm. Faery Secrets, and Faery Time are explained in great detail to help us grow closer to faeries. The Hidden Faerie Kingdom is described as existing within nature. The seven shimmering doors to the hidden kingdom are described as: Naming, Touching, Listening, Seeing, Being, and Knowing. If you read this book you will open to the faerie realm, you may feel their presence and if you are really lucky, catch a glimpse of a faerie peeking at you from a winter blooming Lenten Rose, otherwise known as the hellebore.

Either one of these books would make a wonderful gift for your self or a friend especially in this cold weather. Please come in and browse through our beautiful faerie, fairy books....

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