Friday, June 25, 2010

New Shipment of Smudging Materials & Tarot Decks

A fresh new shipment of California White Sage Smudge sticks, in a 7 inch length, just arrived at the Enchanted Faerie.

A new blend for the Enchanted Faerie: Desert Sage & Lavender Sticks, wonderfully fragrant and effective for smudging, also came in the shipment today. These smudge sticks are very fresh. Come in to pick out the best for you!

Animal Dreaming Oracle, Goddess, Rider Waite and Gentle Wisdom of the Fairy Realms are the new Tarot decks which just arrived. Tarot decks do not last very long at the Enchanted Faerie. If you are in need of a Tarot Deck come in soon before they sell!

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